Dexter Community Report, 07-11-22 | The Sun Times News

2022-07-15 20:14:29 By : Mr. julong su

By Doug Marrin, STN Reporter

Highlights from the Dexter City Council meeting on July 11, 2022.

Sloan-Kingsley Development: David Lutton presented the latest development concept for 240 acres adjacent to Dexter City Limits. Lutton’s plan is for what he calls “attainable housing” for all age groups. His group’s development of the property hinges on connecting to the City of Dexter wastewater plant.

See article: Large Residential Development Proposed Adjacent to Dexter

Kid’s Land Montessori: On July 5, the Planning Commission considered a revised site plan for 2870 Baker Rd for a change of use from medical/professional offices (with an attached residence) to a private Montessori school. In its review of the site plan, the PC had two overriding concerns—traffic queuing onto Baker Rd during student drop off/pick up and parking. The PC voted to recommend approval of the site plan to City Council, subject to conditions that include:

Tim Stewart Promotion: Assistant Public Services Superintendent Tim Stewart has been promoted to Public Services Superintendent. The position opened up with the retirement of former Superintendent Dan Schlaff, effective July 1. Tim began with the City in 2012 as a Public Utility Operator and then Lead Utility Operator.

Third & Broad Streets Construction: Reconstruction of the roads began July 5 and is expected to be completed in early September.

New Outdoor Sculptures: This year’s outdoor sculptures have been installed at Mill Creek Park’s outdoor seating, the Library, LaFontaine Chevrolet, and the Downtown Clock.

Absentee Ballots: The City has mailed 854 absentee ballots. Requests for ballots have increased significantly in the past two weeks.

Paint Dexter Plein Air Festival: The 2022 event with take place August 15-20 for its 10th anniversary. Throughout the week, 65 artists will again place their easels about in the area to capture Dexter’s beautiful environs on canvas. This year’s festival marks a return to all in-person events. For more information, visit

Low Income Housing Water Assistance Program: The Washtenaw County Office of Community and Economic Development informed the City of a low-income housing water assistance program the County has initiated to reimburse local utility providers for past-due utility bills that would result in water shut-offs. City staff is working through a review of the program.

Roundabout at Main/Dexter-Chelsea: The City Council requested the Washtenaw County Road Commission’s study determining the need for a roundabout at this intersection. That study can be found in the Council’s meeting packet beginning on page 52.

2022-23 Fiscal Year Begins: Mayor Keough reminded everyone that the City’s new fiscal year begins July 1. The Mayor stated in his report, “Your City Council and our dedicated staff have worked hard over the past 6 months to prepare a balanced budget that will continue to provide the high quality services you expect as well as improve the infrastructure you depend on.”

Construction Site Violations: Per a question from Councilmember Griffin, Ms. Aniol reported that she has been in contact with a property owner who has had equipment, materials, and tools left lying around their construction site on Baker Rd in violation of City ordinance. Ms. Aniol informed the owner the ongoing situation needed to be brought into compliance or a citation would be issued. Mayor Keough commented on other such lingering problems in the City and felt the Council needs to implement a process that elicits a quicker response from property owners.